
Thursday, 13 December 2018

School Year Reflection 2018

               School Year Reflection 2018

This year has been such an exciting year, there was so many cool, and fun activities we've done this year. We have done lot's of different activities over the year such as:

  • Cross- Country
  • Athletics
  • Speeches
  • Swimming
  • Camp
  • Kiwi Sport
  • Science Projects
  • Production
And much more, during all of these activities we learnt lot's of different skills like:
  • Cross-Country/Athletics/Swimming/Kiwi Sport- Fitness, Perseverance
  • Speeches- Confidence
  • Camp-Survival skills, perseverance, team work,
  • Science Projects-Measurements, maths, physics
  • Production- Confidence, 
I enjoyed all of these things we have done and more! But I'm also really excited for the school holidays.

What was your favourite thing you've done in the past year?
Merry Christmas

Monday, 10 December 2018

Crazy Camp

                               Crazy Camp

Camp was so much fun! There was so many fun activities over the 4 camp days and I wish it could've lasted longer though. But anyways, on Monday we had to travel to Rarawa Campgrounds for that was where camp was being held. 
Over camp there was lots of fun activities done, but these are 5 of my favourite highlights

  • The CRAZY Thunderstorm! On our first night at camp, all of a sudden a huge storm came and shook up the Rarawa camp grounds, pouring with rain and clashes of thunder and lightning during this time we stayed up from 4 am     6 am! But afterwards the storm seemed quite exciting and kinda fun!

  • Te Paki Sand dunes, racing down the sand on boogie boards, wind rushing past my face and skimming across the shallow water.

  • Cape Reinga, going on a stroll along the cliff side of the lighthouse, waves crashing, frosty wind blowing through my hair, and an amazing view to hold in my memories.

  •  The Amazing Race! Had lot's of different types of activities to do such as running, problem solving and tasks that required team work. 

  • Party time! On the last day of camp before bed delicious treats were handed out as a prize for the Amazing Race so the treats gobbled up and then a party was started LOUD music, dancing, singing, spot light, shouting, spinning and lot's of FUN commenced.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018


                     Poem Writing

In Kakapo class we've recently been learning about poems. Over the past 2 weeks we've been learning how to write poems, and about all types of poems. Some of the poems we learnt about were Acrostic, Sonnet, Haiku and personification.

The Acrostic poems are written with one word written vertically and the poem is written horizontally and each sentence starts with the letters written vertically. E.g: 
Summer's coming it's finally here! 
Umbrella's stuck in the sand
Many people running around
Me splashing through the waves, then I hear my tummy rumble
Eating hot chips with ice cream on the side
Running around all over again summer here I come!

Sonnet poems are famously known. Sonnet poems that rhyme like E.g : Hairy Mclary. This is my sonnet poem.
Pure white snow cover's the land far and wide,
Families gather side by side.
They all gather for a delicious meal,
They came by plane, boat or a vehicle with wheels.
Finally dinner is served and prepared,
Nothing's left, because nothing was spared.
Gathered together around the warm blazing fire,
As some of the whanau begins to tire.
Children waddled to their beds with their heavy sleepy heads.
Dozing off quickly, Dreaming so slickly...

As the morning sun rises,
Under the tree lays surprises.
Children jump out out of their beds,
With the word ''Christmas" stuck in their heads.
They shout "Yippee!"
As their hearts are filled with glee
To see presents for you, you and me.
But the Christmas spirit remains in the family,
Within the children,adults and elderly.
The colourful lights lit up the tree,
As it was standing in front of me.
Wrapping paper was scattered all along the ground,
As the children made lot's of sound,
BANG,WHIR,WACK with their new toys around.
That's Christmas, That's Christmas for you and me.

Haiku poems are a traditional Japanese part of poetry. Haiku poems contain 3 lines. 1st line includes 5 syllables, 2nd line includes 7 syllables and 3rd poem has 5 syllables again. E.g 
   1     2     3    4    5        -syllables
The hot blazing sun,
      1       2    3     4     5    6      7
Shines on the hot golden sand,
     1    2   3     4        5
Having so much fun!

Christmas time is here!
Wrapping pare everywhere!
So many cool gifts!

Personification, is a language feature, but usually used in poetry.In personification you write a sentence that includes an object or thing doing something that a human would do E.g:

The clock replied with the time.

The mountains echoed the singing of birds.

The books giggled as the pencil tickled their pages.

The scissors ate the thin paper.

The moon skipped past the stars and into the sky.

The sun hid away behind the thick clouds.

The ocean leaped onto the hot golden sand.

The seashell sang the song of the ocean.

I enjoyed writing poems very much! Poems are a different type of writing, and are unique in their own way. We learnt about poems for fun and to learn about different writing styles, for parody's. 

Which poem style was your favourite?

Tying Knots

 Recently in my class, we've been learning how to tie knots. We've been learning how to tie knots for survival skill tips and for our up coming camp.

First we went onto a website that had information about tying and specific types of knots that would and could be helpful and key to survival. Then to have a proper experience we used 1 meter bits of rope and practiced tying knots. Such as:

  • The Over Hand knot 
  • Half Hitch knot 
  • Noose knot 
  • Figure 8 knot etc.
I enjoyed very much doing this activity and I learned lots of ways of how to tie different types of knots.

If you would like to see more of these knots or how to tie some of these knots click here

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Google Doc Ninja Challenge! 2018


Today for Manaia Kalani, my class and I did the Google Doc Ninja challenge for the first time! By looking at our buddy classes blog posts we were inspired and wanted to find out more about this challenge. So today we did. For 1 hour we worked on this challenge, the level I found the easiest was the White belt and the level I found most difficult was the Black belt level. I enjoyed this challenge very much and I learnt many useful things from this challenge. But now I can finally say I am an official...

         !!Google Doc Ninja! !


Google Doc Ninja Challenge

Thursday, 1 November 2018


Cuz is a book that we recently started reading together in class. It features 2 main characters River and Huia. River and Huia are cousins and River is 14 years old and has blonde dreadlocks. Huia is also 14 and has black long curls as River is blonde but they both share the same brown serious eyes. River is physically strong whilst Huia is mentally strong, Huia knows a lot about her family history while River has very little knowledge about his family history. Recently Huia's dad (River's uncle) Toe came and took Huia and River around the outskirts of the South Island. Then suddenly River smelt gas both Huia and Toe replied saying "It's just this old boat". Then * BOOM*! An explosion  bursted up in flames throwing Huia overboard. But Toe's friend was down by the engine so Toe went after him. River suddenly got bounced into the ocean and struggled to bring Huia to shore. River struggled to say to Huia about Toe who was certain about his death. Huia's heart shattered and River could see it in her eyes that were swelling up with tears. The next day they boith searched for Toe but found nothing but a  ripped up ragged shirt that belonged to Toe, Huia and River ringed out their clothes and Huia threw the shirt on. As they were searching for food Huia slid down a deep sudden dip and broke one of her ribs. So River layed her leaning on a tree, set up camp and finally got a fire started. 

Will River and Huia survive?
What do you think?

Tuesday, 30 October 2018



At Pompallier we've just started Athletics, Athletics is something we all participate in. Athletics helps us keep fit and helps us improve our skills in High jump,Long jump,Shot-put, Sprints and Discuss. Each task has a different technique that improves other skills. E.g running.

High jump, high jump is a task that requires you to run up and scissor kick over a bar, that's held up between two metal bars.
With a mattress beside it. Each time after everyone's jumped they raise the bar higher and higher. The the last few people who can jump the highest comes 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.High jump helps improve your jumping in height and building up stamina while you're jumping.

Long jump, long jump is a task that you run up and at a mark you leap and the further you jump the better your score. Long jump also helps improve building stamina and speed leaving a high result.

Shot put, shot put is a task where you hold a heavy ball and you lock it in by your neck. With your feet facing the direction of your dominant hand. Aim and push the ball NOT throw. The further you push the ball the higher your score.

Sprints, sprints is a task where you sprint a track to the end building up stamina and speed. Whether you come 1st,2nd or 3rd you go to zones.

Discuss, discuss is a task where you throw a heavy disc. You hold it in the palm of your hand build stamina and throw it as high and as far as you can. Who ever can throw the disc the farest wins!

I enjoy doing Athletics and it helps me keep fit. Long jump's my favourite because I can leap into piles of sand.
Do you like Athletics?
Which is your favourite? Why?

Our Special Far North

                   Our Special Far North

The Far North is a special place in New Zealand. Up here there is plenty of beautiful scenery to view and many things to enjoy such as a creamy,cold ice cream while laying down on the hot, golden sand at the beach in Te Kao. Also here in the Far North there is lots of Local history to learn about. We've been learning about History of the Far North and Local History to for inquiry in the past few terms. All of New Zealand is covered in stunning scenery and different special places but here's what makes the Far North special...

Here in the Far North we have a cool little spot, it's called the Mangamuka Gorge. The Mangamuka Gorge is a beautiful scenery completely surrounded by towering trees and large piles of bush.  
Image result

Mangamuka Gorge leads out of Kaitaia and towards Whangarei.
But just take a short amount of time to admire the beauty of the gorge and you'll have a spectacular image locked in your head that's worth to remember.

If you like the beach or like to swim I suggest you come to the Far North. Here in the Far North there are plenty of beaches to go to, such as 90 mile beach. 90 mile beach is called that because it's said to be 90 miles long! That means that there is more than enough room for thousands of families at once. Also 90 mile beach is a beautiful scene. The cooling,blue ocean hot,soft sand and sweating hot children ready to dive in and swim! 

All of New Zealand is beautiful but these are the things that makes the Far North special.

Where do you live? South or North?

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Know before you GO! Animation tips

      !Know before you GO!
 W.A.L.T: create an animation including at least 3 tips on what you should know before you go travelling, e.g hiking or tramping.

Recently in my class we have done lot's of learning, using Learn,Create,Share we blend our work together and have lots of ways to share our learning.
I have created another animation to give information based on an article called *Lost in the Ranges*.

Tips are:
1-Plan your trip/ how long you plan to be travelling, e.g hiking.
2-Communication/ tell someone that you're going travelling.
3-Weather/ Check the weather forecast so you can expect any sort of weather
4-Supplies/ make sure you pack suitable supplies such as spare clothes,food,tents,gear e.g climbing gear.
5-Company/ if you're bringing someone with you be sure to do a head count now and then.
Then you're ready to go travelling.

I enjoyed creating this animation and I hope you'll enjoy my animation as well.

What would you make an animation about?

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Term 3 Reflection

            Term 3

This Term has been so much fun!We did lots of:


-literacy/reading + maths
-R.E/ Religious Education

As you should know my class LOVES to do art. All of those bright colours and patterns, so far what I have learnt/learnt more about is primary colours red,yellow,blue 

secondary colours orange,green,purple 
warm colours red,orange,yellow,pink  
cool colours green,blue,purple I really enjoyed doing art because it´s my hobby and I love doing it.

Sports is really cool and it helps keep you fit when we are doing kiwi sport.My school does lots of sports one of our most valued sport is X-Country-(cross country) We practice X-Country by running around the school block or doing the beep test.Once the big day has come we didn't just run around the field a few times, my school was so dedicated in what we do that the Cutler family allowed us to run around their farm.What a turn out it was, practically the whole school turned up and ran the 3ks up hill, down hill and through the slippery,squishy, splodgy mud! We couldn't have done X-Country without Mrs Cutler...

Thanks Mrs Cutler!

This Term we also did lots of cool activities like:

science,art projects,games and our new addition Kapa-Haka.
All of these activities were very exciting for one of them we made our own homemade crystals!Popcorn,sherbet,going on trips like when we went to the museum!It was really fun and enjoyable when we did these activities I can't wait to see what we do next term.

During Literacy and maths we did cool tasks like

Maths- Geometry,art,symmetry 
While we did these things the teacher (Mrs Cutler) made all of these normal school things fun!Like turning geometry and symmetry into art, and making history interesting when we found out that our home town had some cool backstory! I wonder what else 
New Zealand has tucked away in books.

Writing has been a big step-up for me.We learnt how to write a newspaper article,how to write a speech and we were so lucky that we had the opportunity to meet and spend some quality with 

Des Hunt.Who helped me with writing by saying.'Show don't tell'
Eg-The dappled light shined through the damp dew on the leaves that fell to the leafy carpet of the forest floor.
Just by reading that sentence I think that it just rained, because the light shined on the dew-water on the forest floor.
Showing not telling.

I really enjoyed this Term, I had a jolly time learning all sorts of new things with my friends beside me.I got some of my learning done like basic facts.I can't wait for Term 4 and hope that everyone has a great holiday.

What do you look forwards to next Term? Why?

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Quality Blog Comment Animation

W.A.L.T Create an animation including 1 tip-What you need for a quality blog comment.

In Kakapo class we learnt how to create animations. I enjoyed making this animation because I could use my imagination and creativity to create this fun animation. I found it a bit challenging at first because I didn't know what to do, but then when I thought about it I knew what I was going to do.
Also A few tips of what a quality blog comment is: It has to be-
3-Feedforward + Feedback
Enjoy my animation!

Have you ever created an animation?
What would you make your animation about?

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

40 Days of Lent Challenge

                 40 Days of Lent Challenge 

When Lent started the class was set to do a challenge called-40 Days of Lent.We got a sheet full of good deeds to do for the challenge and we had to glue it into our Faith Journal.Once we have completed a task we colour that area in.The objective was to complete the sheet and colour as many sections as possible.
This challenge was fun and I completed most of the sheet.This challenge helped us and made us better as people on the inside and outside little by little.
Why not give this challenge a try,how many of these can you accomplish in 40 days?

How many of these tasks have you already done? 

How to write an Newspaper Article

        Writing a Newspaper Article

Today in my class we are learning how to write a newspaper article for our class newspaper we are going to work on.
There is a difference between writing and Newspaper writing.
In writing you normally write from your perspective
( I was on my way to the dairy we suddenly a robber dashed out past me with bags load of glimmering coins.) There are lots of adjectives and wow words, and words like I,me and my. In Newspapers there are no wow words and you're writing from a third person perspective/point of view.
Next Newspapers are simple and short-but not too short.
Here is a brief short reminder of what you need to write a Newspaper Article:
2-Byline-By (your name)
3-Short article from 3rd person point of view
4-Quick conclusion/outro

By Tiana

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Ice Skating

                            Ice Skating 

On Daffodil Day, Me and my class went to Te Ahu Center for ice skating.We had to pay close attention to the rules for safety conditions.Once we were all geared up we were ready to skate!At first it was really hard to get use to skating and balancing but we made-do.The Ice skating ring wasn't really ice it was just really hard plastic but the skates were real steel,That's why we had to be careful attention to follow the rules properly and wear gloves to protect hands,helmets to protect heads and get up properly if we slip over.Then there was a competition.....
!GIRLS vs BOYS!Musical Statues,when the music stopped we had to try not to fall over.If we did that would be a point to the boys/girls.Unfortunately the boys won,but the girls still got to get in on the prize... BUBBLES! We had lots of fun, even if we fell over.

Have you ever been Ice Skating? 

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Word of the Day

                        Word of the Day
                          Term 3 Wk 7

On our contracts this week we have a new task to complete.
It is called Word of the Day. Word of the Day is a task that we have to complete by using the words on the middle of our contracts there is a list we have to choose from. We must use Dictionary's and Thesaurus' to find the definition of the words, and whether they are adjective,verb or noun.Then once we have found out what the word is and it's definition we copy the word and definition into our personal dictionary's.This new task on our contracts will help us improve and extend our vocabulary for our writing and talking.

Do you know what some of these words mean?

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Muddy Cross Country- Cutler Farm

                    Muddy Cross Country
                              Term 3
                              Moment in time Writing

I heard kids screaming,yelling and cheering for the runners.While jumping and sprinting around in piles of squishy,splodgy,slippery mud, that surrounded the whole land.Then as I was preparing to race off I was wondering weather I would make it to zones."GO!" We took off like the wind,zooming,racing and competing against each other.The mud was as slippery as a wet bar of soap, and I thought I was going to slip over in the mud!Huffing and puffing, trying to catch my breath I made it to the top of the hill...

Have you ever been to Cross Country or Zones?

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Scrumptious Homemade Bread + Butter

      Scrumptious Homemade Bread +Butter
                           Term 3 Wk 6

In Kakapo class we made some homemade bread and butter.First we were put into groups of five, and then we had to follow and listen to instructions carefully.2x people at a time would go up to a bench and collect measurements of ingredients.Then we mixed the ingredients at a time carefully.The ingredients were put into a plastic zip lock bag and we had to double check that it was secure.Once ingredients were completely mixed we let them sit for a little while to rise, during this time we used salt and heavy cream in another plastic zip lock bag to mix in the cold and create butter.
Once the bread rose we baked it and then it was time to taste test...
We gobbled the bread with some butter and it was DELICIOUS! 
We chose to make bread and butter because of science and for how they used to make bread and butter back in the day for history.

Do you know how to make homemade bread?

Friday, 3 August 2018

Passion Learning

                     Passion Learning
In Kakapo we've been working on a project called 
"Passion Learning" where we focus on what ever we want to learn about.We do this on Fridays with Mrs Murray,what I am learning about is "Marine Biology". I have a passion for the ocean and all the creatures that live in the ocean. If we have got some interesting information that we would like to share we can create a poster,slide show etc. I am really enjoying Passion Learning so far. It is really addicting and is such a privilege to be able to learn about what ever we want. 

What would you like to learn about? 

Sandra Silberzweig Chaos Art

              Sandra Silberzweig Chaos Art
                         Week 1 Term 3
In Wk 1 Term 3 we created some cool,funky pieces of art.Inspired by Sandra Silberzweig herself,her art includes many different patterns,shapes and angles.She also uses many complimentary colours -(opposite of each other) such as orange+purple,blue+yellow,red+green.Primary colours red,blue,yellow and secondary colours : orange,purple,green.
She uses all of these things in her art to create Abstract in her art. The art is very messy to create. We used Indian ink for the outlines and it got everywhere!It even got on the brand new carpet! Then after the outlines, we used soft pastel chalk to add the colour. We smudged the colours together to also create a fading effect.Here is a picture of ours compared to Sandra Silberzweig's.
How do you think they look?

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Creative Symmetry

              Creative Symmetry

 Term 1 Wk 4 we made African Tribunal Art.
Using Symmetry we created the tribunal art with S.C - create a geometric/symmetrical tribunal design using shapes and all sorts of patterns.After creating the designs we used crayons to fill our artwork with colour!We hung them up on the wall and they look amazing!   
       What do you think of them?

Term 2 Reflection - Term 3 !!!

                   Term 2 - Term 3 !!!

      Term 2 got off to a great start! We did lots of learning around          NZ History, and we did lots of cool art as well. We had 
    Whaea Donna from ManaiaKalani to teach us about how to be       Cyber smart/safe with our devices.With her we learned about digital footprints,blogs and much more.....

    My Learning Goals are
    Literacy-Vocabulary - S.C extend our vocabulary in our writing.
    Personal-Resilient-S.C manage myself/time in the classroom.
    Maths-Real Life- S.C to recognize maths is used all over      inside/outside.

 But then towards the school holidays I got sick and couldn't come to school for a while. My School Goal for the year was to get "Perfect Attendance" but I changed my goal because of what happened so then next Term I can try to have a fresh start and making it a good one. 
                              !!! Term 3 !!! 
 During Term 3, I want to do more Animal Research (ocean) or around extinct Dinosaurs to link in with our NZ History.
       I am REALLY looking forward to next Term!!

                 What would you like to learn?

Friday, 15 June 2018

The Sneaky "White Mouse"

           The Sneaky "White Mouse"
                      Term 2 Wk 7

This Week we have been learning about an amazing woman, Nancy Wake. She was 1 in 7,000 men! To fight in world war 2
Nancy Wake, was a New Zealand secret agent.Nancy had an old truck and transformed it into an ambulance.But one day the Germans realized that someone was whispering their plans to the allies. They had people try track "her" down. But  because she had multiple identities, it was difficult for the Germans and they had no proof. They code-named Nancy 
The "White Mouse". Because she was as sneaky as a mouse.
Nancy Wake joined the residence and was soon able to reach herself at the top of the "Most WANTED!" list. She would be hunted down whenever spotted. In her own safety Nancy jumped out of a moving train! Nancy Wake was decorated in multiple bravery and courage medals. Nancy Wake was sure an amazing woman. 

Would YOU jump out of a moving train? 

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Clay Art

                             Clay Art
                       Term 2 Week 5

In Week 5 we made clay art wall hangings that relate to Maori or our family.We used air dry modelling clay, and we used our hands to warm up and soften the clay,so it would be easier to work with. Once the clay was soft enough, we started to mold the clay using Popsicle-like sticks to make patterns in the clay and to get a smoother finish.It took a week for the clay to fully harden. Any sooner the clay would crack and become weak and it would be hard for it to be hung.

 This is a picture of some of our finishing products.