
Wednesday, 28 August 2019

Crazy Cardioid

                         Crazy Cardioid 

This week in Te Kahu, on Monday we learnt how to draw a cardioid. ( a cardioid is a curved heart shaped drawing which is hand drawn and made by using times tables.) For this task we had to fill in a small chart and each number in the chart went up to the number 60. Under those numbers 1-60 we would write down multiples of 2, for a starter the we would match up the numbers in the chart to the numbers on our circular template. When we were matching up the lines with the numbers we just had to go with what the chart said and pay careful attention to the numbers we were matching up. I made a few mistakes during this step, I would accidentally match up the wrong numbers which could've ruined my finished product but luckily I noticed my mistake and I fixed it. In the end it turned out better than I expected and it was much simpler then I thought. After we had finished and we had gotten a feel for it, we then had to turn the page over to another template and create another one but using different number times tables if we wanted otherwise we could just colour it in. I decided to try and draw another one, so I chose to multiples of 3, which is called a Nephroid. After I had finished I was happy with my end results. I enjoyed this task it was quite easy and fun at the same time. Here are some examples of Cardioids and Nephroids.

Would you do this task?
Would you colour yours, or create another one?

This is a Cardioid.                                                                                              


This is a Nephroid

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Animation Time!

                        Animation Time!

This week in Te Kahu, we have a task on our Literacy contract that we had to complete. We have two weeks to get these tasks done but I got this task done on Monday, the success criteria was to create an animation presenting our findings on anything we have found out. To find our information we needed to have a few questions and see which one we were interested in most, I always wondered "How did a single asteroid wipe the dinosaurs?" I had fun creating this animation, and I like to think of it as a fun but challenging task. Here is my animation, and feel free to give me and feed back or feed forward. Enjoy!


What would you make an animation about? Why?

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Keyhole Art

                           Keyhole Art

This week in Te Kahu, we have been getting creative with art, we were given a piece of paper with a keyhole picture on it and our task was to draw any sort of picture we would like to inside the Keyhole. Our aim was to draw what we would think we would see through that keyhole, or what we hoped we would see. We were allowed to view some references for an example or for ideas to get us thinking creatively. For my keyhole art piece I drew a dragon in a treasure trove, but i didn't look at any examples because i had planned what i was going to draw. I drew this picture because I love dragons and magical things and places. So I thought that if I looked through a keyhole I would see this dragon in its treasure trove protecting it's prized possessions.  Here are some images of keyhole art. I really enjoyed doing this task it was a lot of fun and I hope we can do more tasks like this.

If you did this task what would you draw/see?
By Tiana

These are some examples of Keyhole Art.

Image result for keyhole artImage result for keyhole artImage result for keyhole art