
Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Jumping Jack

Jumping Jack

Back at school we have started doing a fun task called STEAM.
Steam stands for: 
Science Technology Engineering Art Maths
For this task we did the Egg Drop challenge; first we got buddied up in to pairs by picking out a stick from a cup with numbers. Whoever had the same number as you would be your partner; my buddy was a good friend of mine Blake, others in the class got close friends as buddies too!
Next we had to plan out a parachute to support and sustain the egg from when it drops from the deck and keep it from cracking! Our parachute was just about finished when the tape ran out; and our egg was going to roll off! But we managed to tie it to the bag and we were able to test the drop successfully!
Poor Jack (the egg) was fine, but he had cracked in one spot...
We failed but I had lot's of fun and cannot wait for our next STEAM challenge!

Next time, I want to work on my collaboration with my team and hopefully our next test will be successful!

Friday, 22 May 2020

End of Week Reflection

End of Week Reflection

My first week back at school has been amazing! Though I did struggle with coding and publishing my Pepeha Game that I made on Gamefroot; it frustrated me and others who tried to help me but I am proud of the end product that I did make! 
I really enjoyed playing sports throughout the week everyday, it really motivated me and I had lot's of fun playing dodgeball and Capture the Flags safely.
A big highlight of the week was definitely seeing all of my friends face-to-face and learning together in person.
I achieved completing my work quicker than I did last term and I found myself learning tips, tricks and methods better because I enjoy it!
Next week I am striving to complete my work independently and to try to understand how coding works next time we do it.

I really enjoyed this week and I think I completed my work the best I could; I can't wait for Monday so I can have lot's of fun all over again!

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Speeches, Speeches and more SPEECHES!

Speeches, Speeches and more SPEECHES!

For my school this year they decided they would have speeches earlier on instead of Term 3, so my class and I have been learning about writing them.
Our teacher has been providing us with videos, slides and tasks that are based around writing speeches to help prepare us for our own; today she gave us this google drawing.
This google drawing is based on introductions and some different ways you can start your speeches with. With this we were set to move the options around to what we thought would be most effective for starting your speeches (at a year 7/8 level) to the least effective.
I thought that asking a question would be a great hook! It would draw your audience's attention and they would want to listen to what your speech is about; where telling a joke might not be the best way to go, especially if it is about something serious or if you want them to take your speech seriously. 
So I ordered them and this is my result!

I'm glad that we are learning about speeches now because I feel that with the new information I have, I can write a great speech using all the techniques, feedback and tips I learnt!

Do you start your speeches using any of these options?
If so why, do you think that would be best to start with?

Playing with Playdough

Playing with Playdough


Another fun task on my class contract is the "Playdough" task.
For this task we were given a slide with ingredients and a method to make our own playdough at home; then once you've coloured it to create your own creature/animal using it!
I thought this was such a cool idea since my mom and my younger brothers have made playdough before!
Here is the method/ingredients and my creation!

I really enjoyed this task because I was able to let my imagination run wild and free! I chose to create a baby "Earth" dragon because I love dragons and I find them so magical.
I hope we can do more tasks like this at school, it would be so much fun!

Try making your own playdough creation with the method above in the slide!

Milk Monstrosity

Milk Monstrosity!

My class and I continued to learn about science today, and 
we have been learning about density. 
Density how much substance an object can hold (it's volume) along with the amount of matter in that object (it's mass). To extend our knowledge about density, we were provided with videos that elaborate on what volume and mass is. 
After we watched the videos we were set to complete a science experiment using milk which also based around density! This was the milk and food-colouring experiment.

With this project, you fill the bottom of a bowl or plate with milk then you pour a few drops of food colouring in; then you take a cotton bud with dishwashing detergent on it and it will cause a chemical reaction!
In the milk there are 2 main components: water + fat. The fat is much heavier than water so when the food colouring is added in it sits on top of the fat because the water in the colourant is lighter.
During this experiment we would have to take photos, insert them into this copied slide and write about our observations about the reaction.

I really enjoyed this task and I did this one twice, once for the slide and a second time with my younger brothers. They were fascinated at the reaction and I taught them about why it was happening; they enjoyed the task and couldn't stop talking about it to my grandparents! 
I hope to do more hands-on science tasks like this one!

(Experiment photos and observations on slide 10/11)

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Pixel Promise!

Pixel Promise!

Our class has daily tasks every day to complete. Along side this work is our contracts which our filled with tasks to complete over the week; we try to complete as much work as you can!
One of these tasks is the Minecraft Pixel Art Task.
For this task we would have to make a copy of a spread sheet then complete the tasks included, the first task was to finish the other half of a picture by using a mirror-like-view (also known as Reflective Symmetry). 
The second task was to create a pixelated version of ourselves using the example template, while the third task was to create a pixelated version of a superhero! 
This teaches us how to use reflective symmetry properly in action.

Here is my character and my superhero!

I had trouble making spiderman, so with a website provided I was able to use a reference photo as a guide to help me.
For my minecraft character I didn't have too much trouble since I have played minecraft before and I knew how to get the right effect of "hair-over-the-shoulder".

This task took me quite some time to finish this task, but I feel as I have achieved this task at a high standard! I really enjoyed this task and I am satisfied with the finished product! I hope to do more tasks like this one at school as well when it opens!

Try drawing yourself pixelated!
Can you try draw a superhero too?

Reaching for Reflective

Reaching for Reflective
In Te Kahu Class today we were learning about Reflective Symmetry. We have done maths tasks over the past few weeks that relate to this task like geometry, for this task we were set to complete the slide with a list of photos by marking out the lines of symmetry to find how many each photo has.
I enjoyed this task but I was very troubled on a few, some of them had small details to make a difference; but I managed to complete this task quickly!

Here is the slide I filled out:

During this task I found reflective symmetry much easier than I remember, and that was due to all the practice learning we have been doing over the last few weeks. I feel that I have improved over that time and now I understand reflective symmetry much better.

Is there anything you have improved on?
Is there any mistakes I may have missed in the slide above?

Monday, 11 May 2020

Lonely Lock-down

Lonely Lock-down
Lock-down has been very difficult for many people, and for me it's been pretty lonely. I am the only girl in the house, so it makes it pretty lonely; but with online classes and google hangouts I am able to chat with my friends from school.
I love talking to my friends at home, we laugh and tell each other about what we do at home during the lock-down.We still get to learn together and I really enjoy online classes!
I cannot wait for school to start, so I can see all my friends in person!

Being in lock-down has been very challenging, but I'm grateful to have amazing friends by my side!

How do you communicate with your friends?
Are you excited for school?

Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Coordinate Chaos!
Carrying on with coordinates, my class and I were assigned to fill out a slide with mini-tasks included. These tasks were to elaborate on our learning from Khan Academy due to the reason of many students struggling with this topic. The tasks included had us mark out the specific locations of people after moves, we had to mark out coordinates on a google drawing copy and create the hidden shape.
Then play the coordinate game, where we had to click the exact location of the coordinates!
I struggled with this topic as well, and found this follow-up task very helpful! I feel that I have improved and can complete these coordinate tasks much more efficiently now.
Here is the slide:

I had lot's of fun with these tasks, especially playing the game at the end!

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Confusing Compass!

Confusing Compass!

Continuing with home learning, we have been focusing about compasses & directions. For this task we have been memorizing the main directions (North, South, East, West), locating those directions etc.
Following up with this task we have also been working on 
 To review this task there are a few tasks on a maths site called Khan Academy; I struggled quite a lot when it came to locating specific co-ordinates and I found it very confusing! But the video helped me understand a bit better.
Here is the slide I filled in for the Compass Learning with my answers:

I enjoyed this task and even though I struggled it makes me want to strive to improve my learning more!

What's a saying you use to remember the 4 points?
(North, South, East, West)