
Monday, 27 July 2020

Crazy, Cluttered Comments!

This week we have begun to start our Cyber Smart sessions again, this task we did today is our first for Term 3!
We first picked a partner ( my partner was a good friend of mine Therese ) then we shared a google drawing with our task.
This task was about quality blog comments, what they are and the difference between what makes a good one and a bad one.
To complete this task we had to mark each comment on the drawing with either a thumbs up or thumbs down; 5/10 were marked good and the other 1/2 was marked bad.

I enjoyed this task because I love our cyber smart sessions. I liked marking the comments and now I know what a good quality blog comment looks like and hopefully I can take this new information and use it when I comment too!

Friday, 24 July 2020

My Weekly Wondering

This first week of Term 3 back at school has been very quick, and my schedule has been packed!
Everyday we have had a full day of learning, activities, p.e, and more.

I feel that I have completed my contracts surprisingly fast and ended up with plenty of time to work on creating a book for the junior students within our school.
The learning I was given was fun and challenging but I feel that I could have completed them to a higher level.

 Next week I will try to achieve this goal and continue to strive to completing them to high expectations.
I also want to work on covering all the learning we had done over the past few terms because I seem to have let my mind slip and forget. To do this I can watch videos at home to help me remember then do some side tasks to support that.

I cannot wait to see what else we learn in our class next week, and I'm sure it will be just as 

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Practical and Peaceful Prayer

For the next few weeks of Term 3 we are focusing on one of our school values Pono meaning Truth in Maori and is represented in green.
This week for R.E (Religious Education) we are focusing on creative/ imaginative prayer and what it means to Pray. For this task we did today we had to go onto a website and read 5 scriptures about what the bible says about prayer; once you're done with that we would then copy the 5 readings into our Faith Journal (the book we keep all of our R.E learning in).
After that we had to write a summary about what prayer is based on the information from the scriptures and create a DLO about our learning.
Here is my DLO with my summary:

I really enjoyed this task because before we started Whaea Danni put relaxing music on so we had time to reflect and pray; which I thought was really calming then I worked independently and finished my work early!

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Happy Holidays!

The glimmer of sunlight peeked through the window curtains. As I awoke in my cousin’s fresh bedroom, I was relieved to know we had finally arrived in Hamilton, and the last week of the school holidays would be amazing!

It was the day that we would explore the Hamilton Gardens for the entire day, my 2 younger brothers, 5 cousins, NaiNai (my grandmother) and I. The Hamilton Gardens include sections based off of both plants and ways to display them from other countries. We leaped into our silver van and drove towards our destination; everyone was leaping as we flew from the car into the entry of the crowded building. 

Together as a group we split up. Nainai with the 4 boys as a crew; and me with the 3 girls. We divided into our own pathways as we crossed short decorative bridges and still ponds and rivers. Through rough, dirty tunnels and caves along with overgrowing, exotic plants or neatly, trimmed trees. We saw recyclable items being used in a collage, ancient fountains and statues with historic backstories.

My favourite exhibit there was the Enlarged garden. There we found a large rusty water tap and an old, still shovel that both towered over humans.

Green plant-like machines that looked as if they were clawing the sky and slowly moving by themselves giving the entire garden a magical vibe! Curved, concrete pathways and a grand gate fit for a Giant, that gate was the height of a 2-3 story building!

As we exited the maze of gardens we exchanged eagerly what we saw and were impressed by. Each garden had it’s own story to tell, and they were all so beautiful, unique and very different. Dearly wishing to stay, my cousins and I slouched as we slowly climbed back into our dusty van; before returning home for a delicious, warm meal.

Monday, 20 July 2020

-Cyber Smart-

Over the past 2 terms I have grown more interested in our Cyber Smart sessions with Whaea Donna.

These activities we do within the hour have been very useful and fun; especially with my group of friends I work with.

One of my favourite topics to learn about within Cyber Smart Time is filming!
I love filming because my group and I started filming a mini thriller/horror film which was very exciting; the learning through this was testing different camera angles, 3 rule, collaboration and using our storyboard to help guide our way to build the mini movie properly.

I enjoy learning about Filming but I would also really enjoy learning about editing and animations.
Animations are another one of my favourite things to do especially to share my learning, but it becomes difficult when I cannot use websites like scratch or gamefroot because I am enable to post it to my blog. 
It disappoints me that I can't share my learning.

I also want to learn more about techniques and ways to edit since filming is such a passion for me.
I find that knowing how to edit short clips would be great for our prototype movie we are making but not knowing how to edit makes things difficult. 

I can't wait for our next Cyber Smart lesson so we can possibly try both of these things.

Friday, 3 July 2020

~End of Term 2 Reflection~

~End of Term 2 Reflection~


I really enjoyed this term especially since it was a great relief to see my friends after a long time in lockdown!

The biggest challenge from this term was my STEAM challenges because I am very competitive and I can be very bossy/controlling. But luckily I had great partners throughout the tasks we did and we came out with good and surprising results!

I have learnt so much from this term! One of the things I am very proud of improving on was my geometry and my measurement! I found these two subjects very difficult to work out but I focused on myself and what I needed to learn and later found myself completing those equations easily!

The highlight of the term was definitely this week we have been through so far! 
We have been doing fun activities and dressing up which I enjoy! The tasks that we have done, the fun we had has been the most fun all year!

Something I have learned this term was that goals are crucial!
Setting goals can lead you to so many opportunities and chances to take, I now realise that in everything I do I have a goal. Whether it's to finish a task before Morning tea, or walk to a place before an hour is up or even if it's just to play a game with my friends! I set myself higher goals now and I know that I'll achieve them eventually!

I cannot wait for the school holidays! But I can't wait for the fun things we will do next term or even the things I'll learn, discover or try! 

I wonder what will happen next term!

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Matariki Breakie!

~Matariki Breakie~


Now that the end of Matariki is coming along with the end of the term; my class/school has been doing fun activities to celebrate both events!
On Tuesday we had Pajama Day and a big class Matariki breakfast!  Everyone came to school wearing their pj's and my class spent time together eating a big breakie because that's what Matariki is all about. Spending time together!
During this time we also shared our goals for the Maori New Year that are written on my slide.

On Wednesday we planted little herbs/crops into pot plants to take home!
This was also to celebrate Matariki and it was really fun. With this task we were put into groups to plant with and to create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about the two Maori Gods related to agriculture!  All the information about them were put onto this shared slide, along with photo's of our end result with our plants!

I enjoyed this week very much and I hope that we can do more fun activities like these!