
Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Tika Task

Tika Task
In Pompallier Catholic School we have 4 values that the students follow by; These values are in both English and Maori:
Aroha / Love - Atawhai / Mercy - Pono / Truth 
and Tika / Integrity.
This task is for R.E (Religious Education) which will be a good refreshment for one value in particular; Tika.
For this task we had to write our description of what integrity means & create a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about it. 
Once we have completed that task, we were given another 
semi-task to create one of many in a list; e.g a comic with someone showing how you can show integrity at home. I chose one task that I was really interested in: Illustrate a drawing representing one of these statements. The statement I chose was "Treat others as you would have them, to you", I chose this statement because I felt like I can relate to this topic.
Here is my DLO + Drawing 

I chose to draw a scale with 2 different coloured-people because even though they are completely different on the scale they are both equal; I thought it fitted perfectly with the statement! For my DLO I decided to make a slide explaining what Integrity means, what someone with Integrity looks like & how important Integrity is; this task was much more difficult for me to explain, though I enjoyed it. I experimented with different sites & different tools for both of these tasks and found it quite enjoyable!

What does Integrity mean for you? Why?

1 comment:

  1. Well done Tiana, I really like the illustration you have created to show what integrity means to you. Keep up the great home learning.
